Natural Capital: a survey of Ecosystem Services

Natural Capital: a survey of Ecosystem Services

Natural Capital: a survey of Ecosystem Services Our well-being, physical, psychological, as well as economic and social, depends on the good state of Natural Capital, including ecosystems that provide essential goods and services. The sea, fertility of the land,...
SDGs and Agenda 2030

SDGs and Agenda 2030

Sustainable Development Goals Health, education, energy and sustainable consumption are some of the areas in which Italy is above the EU average according to data published by the Sustainable Development Report (SDR). Our country ranks 19th among EU countries with a...
Fashion and Sustainability

Fashion and Sustainability

Out of the bubble From sustainability to metaverse and inclusivity:How fashion expresses social interests and feelings by getting out of its bubble “”Fashion plays a strategic role within a society, as it proposes patterns and ideals.” .” As reflected in...
Urban Green and CO2

Urban Green and CO2

URBAN GREENERY We wanted to study some of the ecosystem indicators of greenery in the cities of Rome, Florence and Milan with a focus on the absorption capacity from CO2 and the ability to mitigate temperature in summer and winter. THE TYPES. TREE SPECIES CENSUS CO2...
Amazon and eco-sustainability

Amazon and eco-sustainability

We wanted to investigate whether and how the growing awareness of environmental issues can influence consumers in their purchasing choices. type="translate" from="83 968" to="83 650" begin="indefinite" dur="0.5s" repeatCount="1" fill="freeze" /> type="translate"...