We wanted to study the sensitivity of some of the major brands regarding the issue of sustainability.

What we mean about sustainable fashion


Sustainable fashion means fashion that respects the planet and people, whit attention to some aspects such as ethical working conditions, environmental impact and treatment of animals.


The goal of this research is to analyze the combination of Fast and Slow fashion

Fast Fashion




easily available



not durable

not sustainable

Slow Fashion




high quality



classic and basic style

can be second-hand

In order to closely analyze the phenomenon, we used data from the entire Zalando catalog on May 10 and 11, 2021.

Sustainability certifications

As a leader in the e-commerce industry, Zalando has begun to place a greater emphasis on sustainable products, categorizing them according to 39 sustainability certificates.

Most popular certifications


Products made from raw materials obtained from organic fibers.


Products with at least 50% cotton sourced from a retailer or brand that is committed to investing in BCI Farmers


Products with at least 20% recycled polyester compared to virgin polyester

The catalog:

products analyzed

brands analyzed

sustainable products

sustainable brands

What we found out

Users are giving increasing consideration to sustainability

Women are more interested in the topic than men

Younger people are mostly talking about it

The sports world is still struggling to convert to sustainability


The brands

Sports brand

Fast Fashion brand

How it is being talked about- social & web

gender and age
