for long-term impact
IZILab has a bold idea of the digital age; it wants to identify and develop knowledge actions that can generate transformative value for an open, experimental system that is contaminated by the keywords of digital transformation: sustainability, culture, responsibility, awareness, resilience, open data, transparency and trust
Who we are
IZILab is a technology startup that conducts research and consulting on complex issues to develop medium- and long-term scenarios, policies, and strategies and to evaluate the impact of development and investment projects and programs IZILab uses proprietary technology platforms and innovative methodologies that integrate four different types of data: surveys, interviews, and field observations (‘thick data’), vast digital datasets (‘big data’), predictive and foresight data (‘forward-looking data’), and participatory inputs in the form of workshops, hackathons, design jams, and participatory design (‘participatory data’).
We propose multidimensional research and analysis that integrates data analysis, strategic foresight, and participatory design.
Technologies serving
of Research
IZI Lab invests in research and development of the most innovative technologies to collect, analyze, and narrate Big Data. Structure efficient and scalable pipelines that start from the collection of OpenData, through APIs or Data Scraping, through sophisticated means of analysis that exploit the potential of Machine Learning and Deep Learning, to the creation of dashboards useful for building an intuitive and accessible storytelling of the observed phenomenon.
IZI Lab invests in research and development of the most innovative technologies to collect, analyze, and narrate Big Data. Structure efficient and scalable pipelines that start from the collection of OpenData, through APIs or Data Scraping, through sophisticated means of analysis that exploit the potential of Machine Learning and Deep Learning, to the creation of dashboards useful for building an intuitive and accessible storytelling of the observed phenomenon.